The sale of our house was taking such a long time that we began to wonder for what purpose. Then it all made sense.
Relaxing with a warm cup of chamomile tea in my hands alongside a breakfast of home made pancakes I stood gazing out of the kitchen window.
When suddenly I saw and heard a tiny fluffy ball of feathers thump into the window!
He hit the pane head first and bounced off again
fast landing a few metres away in the flowerbed.
Gasping "Bird!", to my husband and daughter, with both of my hands on my heart, I rushed to the window to see how it was.
The beautiful little Great Tit lay shockingly still amongst the stony gravel down by the foot of what we lovingly call our dragon tree.
I immediately offered Reiki and it accepted gratefully, welcoming in the loving energetic flow.
After sharing Animal Reiki for around 40 minutes the tiny little birds body slowly relaxed and he calmly turned his head and looked directly into my eyes.
I felt a wave of loving thanks for sharing the Animal Reiki and supporting him to calm and relax peacefully in loving safety.
His feathers gently ruffled and resettled as he allowed himself to naturally continue to recover.
In another 10 minutes he sat up, slowly, purposefully turned, spread his wings and flew about 4 feet up, into the dragon tree.
We then noticed his companion, a fellow Great Tit, who had clearly been watching on nearby.
She landed on the branch next to him and after a few more minutes they sweetly flew away.
Thanks so much for sharing this space with me. With so much love, light and gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always,
Liz xx